Inspired by the Holy Spirit, Rev. Franklin B. McKenzie was led to establish a place where people could meet to learn about the saving power of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and to worship God the Creator. Some twenty-five years later, that vision has become Bethel Evangel Christian Church.
Under the direction of Rev. Franklin's son, Pastor Paul S. McKenzie, Sr., Bethel Evangel is continuing to grow numerically and, most importantly, spiritually. Bethel Evangel has continued to be true to the original vision of it's founding Pastor. The Word is declared without compromise. The power of God, as expressed through the marvelous working of His precious Holy Spirit, is welcomed and honored.
The keystone scripture for the ministry is 2 Timothy 2:15 "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." We at Bethel Evangel believe that as long as we strive to fulfill this mandate, we can be a church that is useful in the work of God.
Paul S. McKenzie, Sr.
Sabrenia McKenzie
- Mary Hand
- James Haywood
- Terrence Haywood Sr
- Steveson Hudson
- William Stallworth
- Terrence Atkinson
- Charles Davis
- John Demery
- Joseph Edwards
- Ricky McGhee
- Marvin Pickens
- Richard Rhett (Yokefellow)